They’re multi-skilled.
Your vet is one super-skilled medical expert in one! They’re a surgeon, radiologist, dentist, pathologist, pharmacist, cardiologist, reproductive specialist, dermatologist, oncologist, physiotherapist, and more.
They know how to treat multiple species.
A vet trained to diagnose and treat many different species of animals – and they all have different physiologies, problems and treatment protocols. (While a human doctor only learns about one!)
They diagnose problems for patients that can’t talk.
Animals can’t explain what’s wrong, and they often try to hide any pain, injury or weakness – it’s part of their survival instinct. Your veterinarian brings next-level problem-solving skills to the table.
Fun fact
It’s often said that “it’s harder to get into vet school than med school”. We can’t find any studies to settle this question either way. But it’s true there are far fewer veterinary schools than medical schools around the world, so it may be more competitive to get in.